Home Sermons Trust in the Lord, Trust in His Prophets: 02-The Word of the Lord?

Trust in the Lord, Trust in His Prophets: 02-The Word of the Lord?

09 Dec 2020

Trust in the Lord, Trust in His Prophets: 02-The Word of the Lord?

We established in our first session that the gift to the body of the office of the prophet is still active in the church today!  We are told in scripture to not despise prophetic utterances.

  • Is the word just given from the Lord or not?
  • What do I do with it if it is from God?  
  • And if not, what is my response?

In this session, we will examine in detail how to judge or evaluate a prophetic word.  We will also be studying what we are to do with words that are deemed to be “of the Lord.”  And what to do if they are not.

Join us as we study this gift of Words from the Heart and Mind of God given to us through His prophets!!


More Teachings in This Series

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