Home Sermons To Follow in His Footsteps: 08-Living Free of Offence

To Follow in His Footsteps: 08-Living Free of Offence

19 Aug 2020

To Follow in His Footsteps: 08-Living Free of Offence

Paul tells us that his goal is to live “without offense toward God and men.”  In the Passion Translation of Colossians 3: 12 Paul urges us to live “unoffendable in your patience with others.”  

His model was Jesus and He perfectly illustrated a life lived without ever taking an offence.  His example is also to be our target, our goal.

Many think that being offended just means I am upset or angry with someone.  But when we examine scripture it is clear that it represents something much worse; a separation from that which we must closely guard.

Learn with us how to live as Jesus did, a LIFE FREE FROM OFFENCE!


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