Home Sermons To Follow in His Footsteps: 03-Jesus is My Identity

To Follow in His Footsteps: 03-Jesus is My Identity

15 Jul 2020

To Follow in His Footsteps: 03-Jesus is My Identity

On what do you base your identity?  Your family, your work, your ethnicity, your nationality, or maybe a combination of these with your past experiences and circumstances create your view of yourself, your identity.

God’s Word is clear; as a believer in Jesus our identity is to be based on Him, and Him alone.   The Word tells us this.

“As He is, so are we in this world.”

This is not our identity when we arrive in heaven.  This is who we are today.

Our identity can change, and you will learn how to see yourself as the Father sees you.  You will learn that your identity is based on who you are IN JESUS CHRIST.


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