Home Sermons Thriving in Troubled Times

Thriving in Troubled Times

25 Jun 2020

Thriving in Troubled Times

Have you been standing for a healing to manifest in an area and begin to see improvement only to have some other concern arise?  Maybe it is a pain in your body or a financial attack, or maybe both?  Suddenly you feel as if everything is suddenly piling up on you at once?  If so, you are not alone.

The enemy of our soul is mean, he hits you when you are down again and again, but when we realize that he has no power nor authority over you, then we can effectively resist his attacks.


Truthfully, WE HAVE ALREADY WON, and he knows it.

Today’s study will instruct us on how we can respond when we feel the world has closed in on us with fury.  We will learn that we can THRIVE during these times as we take our eyes off the attacks and focus them back on Jesus.  He is our answer in every situation.

High Point Church, Healing School, Macon, GA


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