Home Sermons The Work of Holy Spirit in My Life: 03-His Counsel, His Purpose

The Work of Holy Spirit in My Life: 03-His Counsel, His Purpose

25 Mar 2020

The Work of Holy Spirit in My Life: 03-His Counsel, His Purpose

How would you like to have someone who would consistently give you counsel that would lead you to glory while making your paths straight?

Isaiah attributed the name “Counselor” to Jesus.  Jesus told His disciples that he was going to leave but would give them “another one,” which the words in Greek indicate another one just like me – a Counselor!!

That is who we have dwelling inside us – the Spirit of all counsel; the author of the Word of God.  That is why Psalm 119: 24 tells us, “Thy testimonies also are my delight; They are my counselors.”


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