Home Sermons The Work of Holy Spirit in My Life: 01-Lamps, Horns and Eyes

The Work of Holy Spirit in My Life: 01-Lamps, Horns and Eyes

11 Mar 2020

The Work of Holy Spirit in My Life: 01-Lamps, Horns and Eyes

The book of Revelation describes the Holy Spirit as having seven lamps, eyes and horns.  In fact, Holy Spirit is described as seven spirits.

What might each of these refer to?

In this session, we will examine what Jesus told His disciples about the One who would be sent to them. We will see the work, or you might even say ministry, of the Holy Spirit not only in their lives but His role in our lives today.

Like the Father, Holy Spirit changes not.

What He did for Jesus, He will do for us.   

Revealing, guiding and manifesting His power in us and through us for others.

Learn more about the One who should be our best friend while we are on this earth!


More Teachings in This Series

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