Home Series The Fruit of the Spirit

The Fruit of the Spirit

The Fruit of the Spirit

More Fruit

Much Fruit

How can we possibly produce fruity in the manner?  It starts by abiding in Him, letting His Word abide in us and allowing GRACE to have its work in us.  The Word says, “He will perfect that which concerns me.”

Learn how we can let His Word and the Holy Spirit produce fruit, the very nature of God in you.  This is critical if we are to become useful to the Master.

In This Series
01-Useful for the Master
  • Did Jesus walk in the fruit of the Spirit?
  • Did the fruit of the Spirit play an important role in His life?


The fruit of my spirit should also be important for us today.  In fact, it is essential if we are to bear much good fruit.  We are to be conformed to His image so that we may be useful to our Master.  We must walk in His nature, the fruit of His Spirit manifesting in our spirit.


02-His Seed in Me

Just as Jesus, we as believers have been called to serve others in love.  How can we possibly do this as He did?

It can only be accomplished through the Holy Spirit who dwells in us.  This is possible as we are born of His incorruptible seed by the Word of God.  His seed will produce His fruit in and through me.


03-The Reward of Increase

We have been called to produce fruit, more fruit and then much fruit!  Peach trees produce bumper crops of peaches as they are fed, watered and pruned.

So, if we are producing much fruit, does that mean we are also being pruned?

Yes, and we are fed and watered as well. Learn how the Word of God is directly involved in each of these.


04-Founded in His Love

The Bible states that God is love.  But you cannot think about God’s love as the world describes and displays it.

Agape love is Who God is!

All we have flows from His love.  As His fruit of love is produced in our spirit, it provides the foundation for each of the remaining eight fruit of the Spirit.


05-The Joy of My Salvation

Joy to the World.  Love Himself has come!

Joy is not happiness nor any other emotion of our soul.  It is a spiritual force from His Spirit which is not impacted by circumstances.

It is our ‘bucket’ by which we draw water from the well of our salvation.


06-Peace from WHOLENESS

The angels proclaimed peace. The Prince of Peace has come. We have been given His Peace.

What is this peace? 

God’s Peace doesn’t mean an absence of war or battles or chaos. It is the spiritual force that keeps us WHOLE in the midst of chaos!


07-Patience to Possess Your Soul

Ever heard someone pray for patience and another responds, “You better not do that. God’s going to bring more tests and trials to you.”  That is not my God and that is not what His patience is.

Kenneth E. Hagin once said “If you are prepared to stand forever, it won’t take very long.”

PATIENCE is that spiritual force that allows us to remain in JOY and PEACE as we stand in faith on His Word!


08-The Fruit of Kindness Makes Me Useful

KINDNESS is a fruit of the Holy Spirit.

It is a word used in describing agape Love. It is His nature toward us.

As His seed dwells in us we are instructed to be kind one to another.  As His Spirit produces kindness in my spirit, I can walk in His compassion and His results!  As Jesus was moved with compassion miracles occurred.


09-I Can Exhibit His Nature of Goodness

We often say that God is good and that He is good all the time.

Can you boldly add AND HE IS GOOD TO ME?

Remember is it His seed, His DNA that has been sown in you.  Believing this is imperative if we are to demonstrate His goodness to others.


10-To Be Found Faithful

To be faithful is to be trustworthy and dependable.  It paints a picture of our Father and it should also describe us.

  • Is this fruit of the spirit flowing from us?
  • Will we be found faithful? 
  • Will we hear “Well done thou good and faithful servant?”



A meek or humble person is often considered to be weak by the world’s standard.

  • Is that your understanding of meekness?
  • Is that how you see Jesus? Moses?

Learn that meekness is not produced in our body nor our soul but from our spirit.  It requires submitting my will to a higher authority, His Word.


12-Self-Control is SPIRIT Controlled

Can you say no to your flesh?

Think about the self-control (temperance in KJV) that Jesus exhibited in going to the cross for us.

It is our total submission to the will of the Lord.  It is allowing Him to choose the race we are to run.  It is yielding to the Holy Spirit with every step so that we never give control to our flesh.


13-Increasing in the Fruit
  • Fruit
  • More Fruit
  • Much Fruit

Is this your desire?

The Passion Translation concludes  Galatians 23:5 concerning the fruit of the spirit by stating “…for they are mean to be limitless” It is His fruit being produced by the Kingdom of God in us and “of the increase of His Kingdom, there should be no end.”



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