Home Series Lessons From the Book of Job

Lessons From the Book of Job

Lessons From the Book of Job
The book of Job is one of the most misunderstood books in the Bible.  For many, it creates many more questions than answers.   Why did God do this to Job?   Did God point out Job to the devil?  WHY?    Then Job’s times of being comforted by his friends seem to turn into turmoil with accusations and defensiveness.

Yet, with the revelation of the Holy Spirit, we can learn much about our heavenly Father and His goodness, about living life and our expectations of our Father.  There are so many more lessons we can learn and we will examine a number of them in this study.

In This Series
01-Not Unaware of the Enemy's Tactics

The first three chapters of Job raises many questions about our Father.  Am I thinking correctly about this?  What am I missing?

It is not uncommon that to learn new truth from God’s Word, we must overcome the human nature to hold on to what we have learned previously or traditions passed down to us.  This teaching may force you to do just that as we examine the tactics of our enemy and learn to always stay on God’s side.


02-Stay on God's Side

Wisdom or folly?  Truth or error?  Am I right, or am I right in my own eyes?  How do we comfort those who are defending their own righteousness?   All these questions are raised as Job’s friends try to comfort him.

When there are questions that are difficult to decide, look to the Word and always stay on God’s side.  That is where TRUTH resides.


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