Home Series Receiving From the Lord

Receiving From the Lord

Receiving From the Lord

The Lord is so gracious to us and provides numerous ways to receive our healing from Him.

  • Laying on of hands
    Gifts of healings
    Special miracles

Yet there are common elements to each which position us to receive His mercy and grace.

High Point Church, Healing School, Macon, GA

In This Series
01-Seeking Healing or Seeing Jesus

Have you ever been so focused on getting your healing that you find yourself consumed in seeking the manifestation?

Seeing Jesus, having our pursuit of Him as our primary goal, is key to receiving our healing. We don’t want to focus so much on the waves that we forget who is in the boat with us.


02-Manifesting His Thoughts and Ways - Part One

If we are to have his thoughts and act as Jesus acted, we must renew our minds to the Word of God.  There is no substitute for renewing our minds.

His thoughts about healing will position us to act as He acted.

He purchased my healing.


03-Manifesting His Thoughts and Ways - Part Two

I can’t renew my mind on my own no matter how hard I try.  Without the Word, it is wasted effort.

Mind renewal is only accomplished through the work of the Word and the Spirit as we build on what has been placed in us when we were born from above.


04-The Power of Your Testimony

Revelation 19:10 says, “the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.”

When we continue to be thankful for what He has done for us and make it known, we prophesy our future in anticipation of what He will do once again.

What am I saying about what He has done for me?


05-Overcoming Faith for Healing

When believing for your healing, have you perceived fear trying to overtake you?  Or maybe tempted to fear?  Or maybe just a little dread of what was coming against you?  You are not alone.

Life on this earth isn’t about never being attacked to fear, it will try to overtake.  But the good news of the Gospel is that we don’t have to give in!

Your faith will overcome your fear. Time to receive your healing.


06-Releasing My Faith

All we receive from God comes from His grace because of His love for us.

You may have been told “let your faith work” or ‘use your faith” or maybe even “release your faith.”  All are valid instructions, but you may wonder exactly “what does that mean?”

Faith just doesn’t believe that healing is real, we must use faith to receive what we believe.  Learn how to release your faith to receive your healing.


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