Home Sermons Protecting What is Entrusted to Him: 03-I TRUST the Lord

Protecting What is Entrusted to Him: 03-I TRUST the Lord

13 Aug 2020

Protecting What is Entrusted to Him: 03-I TRUST the Lord

Proverbs 3: 5 begins with the instruction to us to “TRUST IN THE LORD.”  In numerous other scriptures, we are instructed to “Trust in Him” and reminded that our “fathers trusted Him.” As a result, they were helped, not forsaken, not ashamed and “will be kept in perfect peace.”  These are but a few of the benefits.

A valid question is just what does it mean to trust in the Lord?  Also, what will be the result of my trusting?   And what should I base this trust on?  These are a few of the items that will be addressed in this session.

Join us as we learn what it means to trust, what we can expect of the Lord concerning trust, and how we exercise that trust and maintain it to the end.  In doing so, we will learn that we can entrust our entire being and life to a good, gracious God who loves us dearly!

More Teachings in This Series

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