Home Sermons Praying His Will for My Life: 06-Interceding for You

Praying His Will for My Life: 06-Interceding for You

15 Apr 2020

Praying His Will for My Life: 06-Interceding for You

Last week we saw how Paul commended both the church in Rome and Thessalonica for their works of faith, yet still encouraged them to grow more in their love for each other and for those who did not believe.  We will be encouraged this week as we see the impact of Paul’s prayer.   INCREASE!!

Finally, we will examine how Jesus prayed for both His disciples and ALL who would believe because of the Words of the disciples.  That includes you and me TODAY!!  Given His role as the One who ever makes intercession for us, I can see Him praying these same words over you and me, again, TODAY.

Consider the importance of His last words on the earth spoken over us.

Hear His voice praying these over you!

High Point Church, Wednesday Evening, Macon, GA


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