Home Sermons Praying for Israel

Praying for Israel

12 Jan 2020

Praying for Israel

In preparing for a devotion for a HPC leadership team meeting last year, I was led to Ezekiel 36: 11And I will multiply on you man and beast, and they will increase and be fruitful, and I will cause you to be inhabited as you were formerly and will treat you better than at the first.  Thus, you will know that I am the LORD.”

What a great word and a timely Word for High Point Church!  I pondered this verse and the entire chapter in the following weeks and the Lord spoke to me.

“Teach about praying for My Jerusalem before you share about praying for Macon, your Jerusalem.”

In this session we examined His commands to us to pray for Israel and why we should want to pray for Israel, as we align our hearts with His.  We also looked at His prophetic Words concerning Israel and used these as a basis for our prayers (Ezekiel 36 and Psalm 122.)

High Point Church, Evening Service, Macon, GA


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