Home Sermons Power That Makes Possible: 01-Is Anything Too Difficult?

Power That Makes Possible: 01-Is Anything Too Difficult?

21 Jul 2021

Power That Makes Possible: 01-Is Anything Too Difficult?

In Numbers 23 the Lord questions Moses, “Is the LORD’s power limited (NASB)?”  Literally, this is saying has “the LORD’s arm been shortened?”  The Complete Jewish Bible says, “Has Adonai’s arm grown short?”

It is as if the Lord is asking Moses “Have I and the use of my power changed?”  Unfortunately, that is a question that is often asked by believers today.

Does God still…

But the prophet Jeremiah declares, “Ah Lord God… There is nothing too difficult for Thee!”  And the same is equally true today.

But the best news is that the Lord desires to show His power on our behalf, TODAY!  This has been His desire from creation onward!  See with us today the GOOD NEWS that the Lord is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow!  His power and His desire to bless us have remained the same.


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