Home Sermons Possessing My Gift of Healing

Possessing My Gift of Healing

10 Oct 2019

Possessing My Gift of Healing

Last week we rejoiced as we saw that HEALING BELONGS TO US as a result of Jesus’s victory over death, hell and the grave!!

What must we do to receive this Grace?
In this session, we will learn from God’s dealings with the Hebrew nation as they were instructed to go and possess the land, which was given to them.  Joshua was told after Moses’ death, “Every place on which the sole of your foot treads, I HAVE GIVEN TO YOU (emphasis mine)!”   Receiving my gift of healing from Jesus works in the same way!  Time to LAY HOLD of what belongs to me!!

Thank you, Jesus, for Your Healing Grace!

High Point Church, Healing School, Macon, GA


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