Home Sermons My Kinsman Redeemer : 04-The Proposal

My Kinsman Redeemer : 04-The Proposal

17 Aug 2022

My Kinsman Redeemer : 04-The Proposal

Ruth has been diligent to follow Naomi’s guidance as they have come back to Bethlehem, The Land of Bread.  In so doing, they have partaken and been sustained by the grain this land has produced.

Now she receives instruction to submit herself to Boaz; essentially proposing to him as she requests him to take the role of her redeemer!  What a beautiful picture of how we are to pursue our Lord and Savior Jesus!

Learn with us how the role of the Go’el Haddam is to be carried out!  So much to learn about how our redeemer views us as His possession today!


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