Home Sermons My Faith – Founded, Real and Living: 09-Faith SPEAKS and CAN BE SEEN

My Faith – Founded, Real and Living: 09-Faith SPEAKS and CAN BE SEEN

15 Nov 2017

My Faith – Founded, Real and Living: 09-Faith SPEAKS and CAN BE SEEN

“How do I know if I am believing and in faith?”   

That is a question I am often asked.  One sure way to tell is to listen to what you are speaking.  Real faith can be heard.

Jesus told us that our faith can be seen.  How?

Through our actions. 

He saw the faith of the four who hoisted the paralytic onto the roof and lowered him down right in front of Jesus.  They believed that Jesus would heal him and they acted on their faith, for all to see.


More Teachings in This Series

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