Home Series My Communion with His Blood and Body

My Communion with His Blood and Body

My Communion with His Blood and Body

My communion with His Blood and BodyWhat does communion mean to you?  What are you thinking about as you partake of this sacrament? 

For some, it has become a ritual where it is seen as something we do on a routine part of a service.  For others, the focus is solely on making sure that they are right with the Lord.

Yet Paul tells us that this is a time of remembrance, a time to be thankful for His making us sharers of His blood and His body and all that was purchased for us.

In This Series
01-Sharing in His Blood and Body
Communion ” comes from a Greek word a which literally means “a sharer”, or in common.

What do you have in common with His blood and body? 

As we share in and remember His blood and body, we are communing with Him in His death, resurrection and Life.  See why our enemy doesn’t want us to see what we have in common with our Savior.


02-Blood and Body - Types and Shadows

It is often said that you can see Jesus on every page of the Old Testament.  Have you seen Jesus as the Children of Israel celebrate the first Passover Meal?


See THE LAMB OF GOD in this study of the first Passover, from which our Communion meal is derived.  Just as they were told to do, we too are to remember and celebrate what Jesus accomplished for us.


03-Blood and Body - Four Promises

Have you seen the redemptive work of the Cross in the four promises and the four cups of the Passover meal?

Those promises are in effect today for you and me. We have been separated unto God, delivered from the bondage of sin, redeemed with His blood.

We have become part of His family, His people. 


04-Covenant, Communion and the Blood

The Blood, without it we would have no covenant nor forgiveness of sin.

Why is this?

Scripture tells us the life is in the blood and my life is identified with the blood of Jesus.  With His blood, we have life as He has it and our new and better covenant.  This is why we remember and celebrate His victory over death as we partake of Communion.


05-His Body, Our Bread

Jesus lost many of His disciples when He told them that they must partake, eat of His body as He was the BREAD of LIFE.

This is what we are doing as we partake of the communion bread.  See how His body completes the work of sanctification for us:  spirit, soul and body.

We have become part of a great exchange!


06-His Blood and Body - the Prophetic Picture

To me the Abrahamic covenant is the Promise of Jesus; the Law or Old Covenant is the Picture of Jesus, and our New Covenant is the Person of Jesus.

We see in the Gospel accounts what happened on the cross but have you seen what happened that we could not see?

Isaiah 53 is like a CT Scan.

It looks at what we cannot see with our eyes.  This chapter is the complete prophetic picture of Jesus and the redemptive work of His cross.


07-The Good News of the Cross

The good news of the cross for us is that we are placed into a union, a sharing, a holding in common with our Lord Jesus.

How is this accomplished in us?

See how His love provides us GRACE as we enter into a partnership with Him, taking responsibility for us and we get to enjoy fellowship with Him.

Thank you, Father, for the promise of the Holy Spirit.


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