Home Sermons Miracles – The Same and Greater: 01-Power that Makes Possible

Miracles – The Same and Greater: 01-Power that Makes Possible

17 Jun 2015

Miracles – The Same and Greater: 01-Power that Makes Possible

Did the ax head really swim or float up?  Can you believe something that you don’t understand?  Or have faith in something you can’t see with your physical eyes?

Do you believe in miracles?

As Christians we must believe in miracles; the Gospel is about the miraculous.

Miracles result when the power of God makes possible something that is impossible with man.  Has the age for miracles passed or are we still in the church age where God expects His power to be displayed through His people?  The Bible answers these questions directly.

Be encouraged, the events in the book of Acts took place because believers obeyed God and ACTED.  Today – same God, same Holy Spirit, same results if believers obey God and ACT.


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