Home Series Life in the Fear of the Lord

Life in the Fear of the Lord

Life in the Fear of the Lord
Life in the Fear of the LordHow would you react to a renowned world leader for who you have great respect coming to visit you?  Might you have a degree of fear, even fright?  Might you also have a sense of awe?  Would you prepare and act differently for him?

All of these responses are a result of how you view and regard this individual, who he is and what he represents.

The God of the universe has come.  What is your response?

In This Series
01-That All the Earth May Fear Him

In the fear of the Lord, you can expect our land to be filled with His glory.  You can expect to live blessed and You can expect to live blessed and you can expect our walk of holiness to be perfected.

You will see that God’s desire is that all the nations will see His goodness displayed in us such that all the earth may fear Him.  This reverential fear, awe and trembling flow from His Being as you see Him in the beauty of His holiness.


02-The Calling or The One Who Calls

 Scripture tells us that Jesus DELIGHTED in the fear of the Lord.  This means He enjoyed and took pleasure in it.

Do we?

Jesus recognized that His love for His Father and the reverential fear He had for Him, empowered Him to be obedient to all His direction.  He remained in awe of His Father.


03-Fear God; What Can Man Do to Me?

Is there a relationship between our Fear of the Lord, our reverence and awe for Him, and the fear of man?  What man might think of me and what man might do to me?

Scripture tells us we cannot serve two masters.

Does this mean that as our fear of the Lord increases, our fear of man is defeated?

Let’s allow God’s Word to answer this question.


04-No Idols

Scripture tells us we are to fear God and goes on to say it is for our good.  Equally important is His command to have NO IDOLS.

Many would react positively to this command yet at the same time be ascribing more worth to something in this physical world than they do to the Lord.

Learn how our enemy elevates the things of this world in an attempt to separate us from our fear of the Lord.


05-Fear of the Lord Promises - Part One

The God of the universe has come to you with promises.  The Lord told His Hebrew people that if they would walk in, live their life in the fear of the Lord, that it would be for their good.  Over and over Scripture teaches, “In the fear of the Lord there is…” and it is always for our good!

He is faithful to perform what has been promised.

This session explores His promises from living in the fear of the Lord for the following:

  • Avoiding Evil
  • The Blessings of the Lord
  • Confidence
  • Friendship/Being His Own
  • Fulfilled Desires
  • Healing

Faith will rise up in you as you study these promises in His anointed Word.


06-Fear of the Lord Promises - Part Two
The God of the universe has come to you with promises.  TheLord told His Hebrew people that if they would walk in, live their life in the fear of the Lord, that it would be for their good.  Over and over scripture teaches, “In the fear of the Lord there is…” and it is always for our good!

He is faithful to perform what has been promised.

This session explores His promises from living in the fear of the Lord for the following:

  • Honor and Success
  • Lovingkindness and Compassion
  • Protection
  • Provision
  • Wisdom and Being Led of the Lord

Faith will rise up in you as you study these promises in His anointed Word.


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