Home Sermons Healing Power Toward Me: 05-Hearing the Word of His Power

Healing Power Toward Me: 05-Hearing the Word of His Power

29 Jul 2021

Healing Power Toward Me: 05-Hearing the Word of His Power

In the second chapter of John is the account of the water being turned into wine.  Mary instructs the servants “Whatever He says, do it.”  And the servants turn their attention to Jesus.

But what is our nature if we don’t hear something very quickly?  ACT!  Start doing or saying something!!  And what have we missed?

We have missed His first instruction toward us receiving our miracle!  Learn with us through this and other scriptural accounts of power manifesting from the Word of the Lord to those involved.

High Point Church, Healing School, Macon, GA


More Teachings in This Series

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