Home Sermons Grace, Faith and the Power of God: 07-Great Grace for Us All

Grace, Faith and the Power of God: 07-Great Grace for Us All

13 Nov 2019

Grace, Faith and the Power of God: 07-Great Grace for Us All

Proverbs 19: 12 tells us that the King’s “favor is like dew on the grass.”  Have you seen such a heavy layer of dew it looks as if it has rained?  That is the vision I have of the grace that King Jesus desires to provide to us!!

Is this really possible?

Acts 4: 33 concludes with the declaration that “GREAT GRACE (emphasis mine) was upon them ALL (emphasis mine)!”   Not just the apostles or disciples but for all of those in the church!

Can you catch a glimpse of the powerful body of Christ we would have today with GREAT GRACE UPON US ALL!  Let the Word teach you how to begin to increase in His grace today.


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