Home Sermons Effective Prayers and Pray-ers: 02-An Ambassador to Do His Will

Effective Prayers and Pray-ers: 02-An Ambassador to Do His Will

23 Sep 2015

Effective Prayers and Pray-ers: 02-An Ambassador to Do His Will

If I am His ambassador here on the earth, should I be more concerned about pursuing my will or His will?  More than likely, the answer to this question is also reflected during our times of prayer!

We are His ambassadors on the earth today, just as He was the Father’s ambassador on the earth 2000 years ago. We are to re-present Jesus just as he represented the Father.

Prayer should be as natural to us as it was with Jesus. Just as branches don’t struggle to grow, neither should we as we pursue the fellowship of the Father in prayer.

We are here to do His will. Here am I Lord, send me!

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