Home Sermons Effective Prayers and Pray-ers: 01-Is this Me?

Effective Prayers and Pray-ers: 01-Is this Me?

16 Sep 2015

Effective Prayers and Pray-ers: 01-Is this Me?

The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.”  James 5:15 (Complete Jewish Bible)

Have you ever said or thought “I wish that this verse described me!”  Or have you compared yourself to another and thought I wish I could get the results they do?  Don’t condemn yourself nor get discouraged.

In fact, don’t compare yourselves to others as Jesus is our standard.  Now you are thinking that there is no way I can get results as He did.  Those are not His words about you.

Jesus tells us that His disciples will get the results that He did.

Learn the relationship to fellowship with the Lord and answered prayer.

Answered prayer was not man’s idea, but God’s idea for man.

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