Home Sermons Covenant Authority: 10-Seeing Jesus Use His Authority

Covenant Authority: 10-Seeing Jesus Use His Authority

17 Jun 2020

Covenant Authority: 10-Seeing Jesus Use His Authority

Many Christians believe that Jesus walked on the earth in the authority and power as God’s son, yet Philippians 2: 7 instructs us that He “emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of a man.”  In short, He set aside His deity privileges; until the Holy Spirit came and remained upon Him.

As a man like you and I, Jesus spoke words of authority which stilled the wind, drove out fever, restored a withered hand, cast out demons; these are but a few examples.

As we study the ministry of Jesus, we can learn how we too, as born-again believers who are filled with the Holy Spirit, can also walk in His authority speaking His words for blessing and increasing His Kingdom.


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