Home Sermons Covenant Authority: 05-Seeing Myself in His Covenant

Covenant Authority: 05-Seeing Myself in His Covenant

13 May 2020

Covenant Authority: 05-Seeing Myself in His Covenant

Do you see yourself in a covenant relationship with God?

Do you see His chesed at work in your life?

If you have any doubts that you walk fully in covenant with the Lord, this teaching is for you.

This session explores the covenant between two Godly men who committed themselves to each other, even when it might cost them something.  The covenant between Jonathon and David offers us insight into the covenant in which we participate, the covenant between the Father and Jesus to which we also belong.

We will examine covenant at work in the life of Jonathon and see how David continued that covenant for his family even after his death.  We will see ourselves as David brings Jonathon’s son, who is unable to offer anything to David, into the covenant not as a servant but as a son.  Just as we also have been included.



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