Home Sermons Covenant Authority: 04-Covenant and Chesed Working for Me

Covenant Authority: 04-Covenant and Chesed Working for Me

06 May 2020

Covenant Authority: 04-Covenant and Chesed Working for Me

Can we call upon the mercy of the Lord?  Can we expect Him to act on His covenant promises?  What basis do we have to believe such?

The answer is clear.

“For He is good, for His mercies (chesed) endure forever.” 

In Psalms 89:28 the LORD declares, “My lovingkindness (chesed) I will keep for him forever, and My covenant will be confirmed to him.”  We have His Word, His covenant love and the blood of His Son Jesus that seals this covenant.  There is no great one to validate it.

Not only does He harken to our calls for chesed, but He is constantly pursuing us to demonstrate His goodness for us and through us.  We have an eternal covenant with the God of the Universe.  It is “sure mercies.”


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