Home Sermons Bring The Word As It Is in My Heart: 02-I Am Not a Parrot

Bring The Word As It Is in My Heart: 02-I Am Not a Parrot

08 Oct 2020

Bring The Word As It Is in My Heart: 02-I Am Not a Parrot

A trap of the enemy is convincing us that our words do not really matter.  Like a parrot, we will often speak everything we hear.

Yet the Word instructs us that we should not voice words unless we want them to come to us.  Proverbs tells us clearly that we can be snared by the words of our mouth.  Solomon also instructs us (using the NLT) that the babbling of a fool invites disaster.

When we declare His Words in FAITH, the devil has no power nor authority to prohibit those words from coming to pass!  See how God changes and trains His people by focusing on their mouths.

High Point Church, Healing School, Macon, GA


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