Home Sermons Be Diligent To…

Be Diligent To…

15 Dec 2019

Be Diligent To…

When you are told that you need to be diligent in a matter, what comes to your mind?  In God’s Word, we are told to be diligent to His Work, business, guarding our heart and a host of other items.  And for many, the first reaction is, “That is so hard to do.”

Diligence is not something we do only in our flesh; it is a spiritual force that comes from our inner man. 

Tonight’s study will stir us up to walk by His Spirit with all diligence in everything we do.  We will introduce some of the areas in which we are instructed to be diligent and take a quick look at the rewards of diligence.

For more teaching on this subject, listen to THE WAY OF THE DILIGENT series on WWW.MINTONWILLIAMS.COM.

High Point Church, Evening Service, Macon, GA


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