Home Series Be Ye Holy as I Am Holy

Be Ye Holy as I Am Holy

Be Ye Holy as I Am Holy

We see this command in scripture in both the Old and New Testaments.  Yet many struggle to even define “holiness” much less think that they are even capable of “being holy.”  For most, it involves a list of do’s and don’ts.  But the Word of God clearly instructs us how one born from above can live a holy life.

It’s not something we do alone!

In This Series
01-The Beauty of His Holiness

How holy is the Lord?  In Isaiah 6 we hear the angels describing the Lord as “more holy than the holiest holiness.” (The Complete Jewish Bible).

As we grow in the knowledge of the Holy One, then we can more clearly behold the magnitude of His holiness.

  • Limitless. 
  • Unending. 

We will spend eternity beholding “The Beauty of His Holiness.”


02-Being Made Holy

Things were made holy.  Places and times were declared to be holy as were tithes and offerings.

But the heart of the Lord was for His people to be made Holy.  Separated from darkness and separated to His light.


03-Pursue Jesus, Pursue Holiness

Our pursuit of holiness is not about us laboring and trying to be more holy.

To pursue holiness is to pursue Jesus.

There are foundational truths that we must learn and believe before we can perfect holiness.  Yes, that’s what the Word instructs us to do.  And with a calling, there is grace to walk in it.


04-It's Not Anything New

We have made holiness a concept that leads us to believe that it is an unattainable state.  Yet if we would turn to the “word of His grace” and look to the Holy Spirit, we have all we need to begin this walk.

All that He instructs us to do is for our benefit!


05-A Life in His Pleasures

In this life, the enemy will wage a battle for our affections and pleasures.  These worldly desires will move us away from the light and attempt to draw us back to darkness.

You have been made in His image. 

You were made to cling to Him.  You will learn that your greatest pleasures come from the Kingdom of God.


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