Home Sermons A Valiant and Skillful Warrior: 02 – Seeing Myself as His Valiant and Skillful Warrior

A Valiant and Skillful Warrior: 02 – Seeing Myself as His Valiant and Skillful Warrior

24 Mar 2021

A Valiant and Skillful Warrior: 02 – Seeing Myself as His Valiant and Skillful Warrior

James’ letter to the church states The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.”  Do you see yourself in this verse?

David writes in Psalm 8 that our praise will “make the enemy and the revengeful cease.  The same question concerning myself; does my praise make the enemy cease?

We should be able to answer YES to both questions!

How you see yourself in Christ Jesus will impact your prayers and your praise!!  Let your faith arise as we study how Jesus and many others, even under the Old Covenant, were effective people of praise and prayer.


More Teachings in This Series

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