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Spiritual Growth

28 Feb 2024

In His Image, My Identity: 04-The Revelation of Redemption

To be saved, we must believe in the Incarnation of Jesus.

Only Jesus could lay His hand on both man and the heavens.

Only the man Jesus could pay the price for our redemption.

Only Jesus could restore the Righteousness of God to man!

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21 Feb 2024

In His Image, My Identity: 03-God’s Plan for My Redemption

After the fall of Adam, man needed to be redeemed but there was nothing that he could do!

As a result, man was without hope and without God.

But God had a plan!

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14 Feb 2024

In His Image, My Identity: 02-Created for His Pleasure

Would the creation of the earth have been in vain if Father did not have a man with whom He could fellowship?

What is man that you care about him so much the angels wondered. What is this being that is always on God’s mind?

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