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Spiritual Growth

20 Mar 2024

In His Image, My Identity: 07-As He Is

Where is man to get his identity in this life?

How do we form the identity that the Lord desires for us?

Am I more focused on my identity as how I see myself or how the Bible describes me as Believer in Jesus?

These are important questions that must be answered by each of us!

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13 Mar 2024

In His Image, My Identity: 06-A New Me and My New Identity

Last week we learned about our identity with Jesus concerning His crucifixion, death and being put in a grave.

Thank God it did not stop here!

This week we encounter our identity in the RESURRECTED Son of God!

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06 Mar 2024

In His Image, My Identity: 05-The New Birth and A Change of Identity

What does it mean to me when the Word declares that I was crucified with Jesus?

And I died with Him AND was buried with Him?

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