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Spiritual Growth

10 Apr 2024

Being Found Diligent: 01-The Command of Diligence

Diligence. Is it a character trait that some possess, and others do not?

Where does Biblical diligence originate in a believer?

Is diligence a suggestion, or a command?

What does Bible diligence imply?

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03 Apr 2024

Complacency – An Evil Force

Have you ever settled for less than God’s best?

Or maybe you would say I’m satisfied with where I am with the Lord?

This study will alert us to the issue of complacency and the dangers that can be approaching us!

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27 Mar 2024

The Power of His Resurrection

Prophecies concerning a fountain, a piercing, and no broken bones!

A pile of grave clothes, and a folded face cloth.

Angels facing each other over a gravestone where Jesus laid.

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