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03 Jun 2020

Covenant Authority: 08-Called Out to Rule

Do we as believers understand and value the authority given to us?

Jesus tells us in Matthew 16 that His kingdom will be founded on THE ROCK. He then refers to us as the ekklesia. This word was used to describe those who were selected and called out to rule in Greece. This is the word Jesus uses when He is referring to us, His church.

We will learn exactly what this rock is and how we as His Body on the earth are to walk in His authority.

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27 May 2020

Covenant Authority: 07-My New and Better Covenant – Part Two

We have it better in every way when compared to the Old Covenant of the Law!

This session will examine our New Covenant and see how much better it is with respect to the current ministry of Jesus and our role as Kings and Priest. We will begin to study our Covenant Authority as the ones called out to rule and exercise authority!

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20 May 2020

Covenant Authority: 06-My New and Better Covenant – Part One

In the 49th Chapter of Isaiah the Father is speaking to His Only Begotten Son and says, “I will… give you for a covenant to the people.” Think about that, Jesus was given to you and me as a covenant!

He is our New Covenant!

We have it better in every way when compare to the Old Covenant of the Law!

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