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Spiritual Growth

24 Jun 2020

Covenant Authority: 11-Authority in a Covenant Without Time

In the 7th chapter of Daniel, he hears these words of the Lord, “the saints of the Highest One will receive the kingdom and possess it forever.”

In this final session, we will see our position in Jesus that enables Him to delegate authority to us in His Kingdom, on earth and in the heavenlies around the earth, today.

We too can declare “for such a time as this, a body You have also prepared for me.”

It is our time to walk in the covenant authority of the believer.

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17 Jun 2020

Covenant Authority: 10-Seeing Jesus Use His Authority

Many Christians believe that Jesus walked on the earth in the authority and power as God’s son, yet Philippians 2: 7 instructs us that He “emptied Himself, being made in the likeness of a man.”

As a man like you and I, Jesus spoke words of authority which stilled the wind, drove out fever, restored a withered hand, cast out demons; these are but a few examples.

Learn how we too, as born-again believers who are filled with the Holy Spirit, can also walk in His authority speaking His words for blessing and increasing His Kingdom.

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10 Jun 2020

Covenant Authority: 09-Relationship and Authority

strong>Does man have the authority on the earth today to implement God’s justice on the earth?

It was God’s desire from creation forward to have man execute God’s will and authority on this earth. Adam forfeited this right.


He had a plan and through Jesus, we were transferred from the dominion of satan and sin to the Kingdom of God!!

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