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Spiritual Growth

13 Aug 2020

Protecting What is Entrusted to Him: 03-I TRUST the Lord

Proverbs 3: 5 begins with the instruction to us to “TRUST IN THE LORD.” In numerous other scriptures, we are instructed to “Trust in Him” and reminded that our “fathers trusted Him.” As a result, they were helped, not forsaken, not ashamed and “will be kept in perfect peace.” These are but a few of the benefits.

A valid question is just what does it mean to trust in the Lord? Join us as we learn what it means to trust and how it will impact our lives!

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12 Aug 2020

To Follow in His Footsteps: 07-Not My Will but Thine: Submission unto Obedience

These two words, Submission and Obedience“Not My will, but Thine!”

See how His love empowers us to walk in His GRACE to fulfill our calling to RE-PRESENT Jesus to the world!

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06 Aug 2020

Protecting What is Entrusted to Him – 02-Maintaining My Hedge

In the book of 1st Corinthians, we are told that the things which are recorded in the Old Testament “were written for our instruction” today. We begin this study with a look at God’s faithfulness to His GOOD PROMISES.

“Not one failed; they all came to pass.”

This assures us today that when He promises to protect what we commit to Him, so it shall be.

What a gift we have been given!

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