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Spiritual Growth

07 Oct 2020

Trust and Faith, OR Unbelieving: 05-The Characteristics of Faith and Trust

We have seen how the Hebrews tested God ten times with their unbelief and how it cost them.

We will learn how unbelief leads to a hardened heart and has further impacts as well. We will then turn out attention to faith and trust as we identify characteristics of those who operate in faith and trust!

We can be exactly as Jesus commanded Thomas, “Do not be unbelieving, but believing.”

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01 Oct 2020

Bring The Word As It Is in My Heart: 01-Declaring HIS Word

Genesis 1 records the phrase, “And God said,” 7 times in the first chapter; and we know that is how He created the world. This same chapter also tells us as men and women that we were created in His image.

As a man, Jesus stated, “The words that I speak to you they are spirit and they are life.”

There is great power when we, His children, speak His word in Faith.

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30 Sep 2020

Trust and Faith, OR Unbelief: 04-The Tenth Test and The Judgment

In the previous sessions, we have seen how 9 times the children of Israel tested God as they rebelled or rejected Him; those are His words. In this session, we will examine the 10th and final test looking at their responses to having been given the land of Canaan. Once again, they limited God and His plan for them.

We will also begin to examine the different spirit that the Lord says Caleb and Joshua exhibited. They are excellent role models for us today!

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