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Spiritual Growth

05 May 2021

Life in the Family Name: 05-His Ever Increasing Peace

Jesus told His disciples that they never had to be troubled or worried! Do we believe this is true for us as well?

In the book of Judges, the Holy Spirit recorded Gideon’s building an altar to God declaring THE LORD IS PEACE!!

The Lord has revealed His Name is Jehovah-Shalom!

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28 Apr 2021

Life in the Family Name: 04-Set Apart, In His Righteousness

The LORD plainly declares the He is THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS as He speaks His Name as Jehovah-Tsidkenu!

How does His righteousness impact us?

He also declares that we have been sanctified by the LORD OUR SANCTIFIER. What is He revealing in this?

The answers to these questions are essential for believers to know, to believe and to act on!

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21 Apr 2021

Life in the Family Name: 03-See His Banner

We have been given His family Name and with it comes His very being.

In this session, we will learn about four more of His Names or References as He is revealed in the names of Elohym, El Elyon, Adonai and El Shaddai.

We will conclude as we SEE HIS BANNER in His Name Jehovah-Nissi.

He is our Victory!

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