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Spiritual Growth

19 May 2021

Life in the Family Name: 07-The Lord My Provider

The 22nd chapter of Genesis describes a covenant event that enabled our Father God to send His son, His only son Who was greatly beloved into the earth as THE LAMB OF GOD! It was during this time that the Lord disclosed to Abraham that He is Jehovah-Jireh, the LORD Who Provides!

Do not equate this with any kind of get-rich-quick scheme. He simply was us to be a BLESSED PEOPLE!

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13 May 2021

Healing Power Toward Me: 01-I Believe in The Power

Even the demons recognized that God Most High (El Elyon) possessed power that FAR superseded any powers that they possessed! They have no answer for His Word and His Power.

I have faith in the POWER OF GOD!

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12 May 2021

Life in the Family Name: 06-The Lord My Healer

Early in His deliverance of the children of Israel from Egypt, the Lord revealed Himself as their healer, their physician!

When Jesus came, He too demonstrated that His Father, our Father, is indeed Jehovah-Rapha as He healed person after person! And the good news of the Gospel is that healing is included for us just as forgiveness of sin is!

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