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Spiritual Growth

02 Feb 2022

Give Me My Mountain: 02-Faithful to My Jesus

Is it important for me to be FAITHFUL to Jesus? What does it mean for me to be FAITHFUL to the Lord? What if I miss the mark, does that disqualify me from being His?

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26 Jan 2022

Give Me My Mountain: 01-My Faithful Father

What separated Caleb and Joshua from the people of Israel whom God had redeemed? Both saw His works; both heard His promises. What was the difference?

They believed God and counted Him faithful.

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15 Dec 2021

Immanuel, God with Us

John declared that the “Word became flesh and dwelt among us!”

That was really great news for mankind, but there is even better news for us today! He dwells within us if we believe in Him! He came full of grace, and we have partaken of it!

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