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Spiritual Growth

08 Jun 2022

Abounding in Favor: 08-Chosen to Be His Favored

Are you one who can say I have seen the favor of God in my life, but I would like to see more?  How can I position myself to increase [...]Read more
01 Jun 2022

Abounding in Favor: 07-Seeing His Favor Manifest – Part Three

Are there benefits or value that we get from walking in the favor of God? Absolutely!

Learn with us how His favor for INCREASE, HONOR and APPROVAL of PETITIONS and LAWs flow to us.

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25 May 2022

Abounding in Favor: 06-Seeing His Favor Manifest – Part Two

Are there benefits or value, that we get from walking in the favor of God? Absolutely!

Learn with us how His favor for battles won and for restoration and recovery of what has been lost or stolen.

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