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Spiritual Growth

12 Apr 2023

Healing, Cleansing and Redemption: 01-Leprosy, A Type of Sin

Is it significant that the very first detailed “healing” in the Gospel accounts is the “cleansing of a leper?”

Why is it not the healing of the leper?

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05 Apr 2023

Faith in the Power of God: 08-Resurrection Power

Paul, under the anointing of the Spirit, wrote to the Philippians that his strongest desire was “to know Him and the power of resurrection.” Why is it so important to know about resurrection power?

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29 Mar 2023

Faith in the Power of God: 07-His Power, His Glory and ME

In the model prayer Jesus used this phrase, “For thine is the Kingdom, the power and the glory.”

But this statement begs one question; where is the kingdom today on this earth?

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