Home Series Trust in the Lord, Trust in His Prophets

Trust in the Lord, Trust in His Prophets

Trust in the Lord, Trust in His Prophets

Trust in the Lord, Trust in His ProphetsOld Testament scripture instructs that we are to “Trust in the Lord your God and you will be established.  Put your trust in His prophets and succeed.”   Many believers would ask how does this verse apply to me today?  This question certainly deserves an answer, one based on God’s Word and not just the opinion of man.

This study will examine the role of the prophet in both the Old and New Covenants.  We will see how men in the Old Covenant looked primarily to the prophet for direction from God.  Yet we today have the leading of the Holy Spirit, who dwells in us.  Also, the prophet is listed in the fivefold ministry gift, so what is their role in our covenant? Are we to put our trust in them as Jehoshaphat instructed?


These are but a few of the questions that will be addressed as we examine the role of the prophetic in our lives as disciples of Jesus Christ.

In This Series
01-Words from the Mind of God
Simply stated we could define prophecy as “Words from the Mind of God.”

  • How do these words come from God to man? 
  • How are they to be received? 
  • How do we know if they are truly from God’s heart? 
  • Am I to believe and act on them?

All of these are valid questions that will be dealt with in our first session.  We will study God’s instruction to the children of Israel to both trust in Him and His prophets.  This study will then examine the prophetic in the New Testament to ascertain our response in this era of the church.


02-The Word of the Lord?

We established in our first session that the gift to the body of the office of the prophet is still active in the church today!  We are told in scripture to not despise prophetic utterances.

  • Is the word just given from the Lord or not? 
  • What do I do with it if it is from God? 
  • And if not, what is my response?

In this session, we will examine in detail how to judge or evaluate a prophetic word.  We will also be studying what we are to do with words that are deemed to be “of the Lord.”  And what to do if they are not.

Join us as we study this gift of Words from the Heart and Mind of God given to us through His prophets!!


03-Stay with What You Heard

If you have had a negative experience due to no or wrong judging of a prophecy, can you mature and improve in such an exercise?  Absolutely!!  If you ever thought of being as firm and founded as Jehoshaphat in 2 Chronicles 20, you can grow just as he did.

In session 3, we will examine two accounts of prophetic utterances where mistakes occurred.  One involves Jehoshaphat who learned from his mistakes and acted righteously the next time a prophet spoke to him and the kingdom of Judah!  We are to consistently increase in our knowledge of the Lord.


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