Home Series Trust and Faith, OR Unbelief

Trust and Faith, OR Unbelief

Trust and Faith, OR Unbelief

Trust and Faith OR UnbeliefIn the 14th chapter of Numbers, the 22nd verse, God is speaking concerning the children of Israel and says “all the men who have seen My glory and My signs which I performed…yet they have put Me to the test these ten times and have not listened to My voice.”  As a result, none but Caleb and Joshua were able to enter the promised land, because of their UNBELIEF.

All but those two walked in unbelief and not in TRUST and FAITH toward their God.  Let us not do the same.  Let us learn from their mistakes!

This study will examine these ten incidents so we can learn and avoid the pitfalls that they fell into.  We will see how Caleb and Joshua avoided this unbelief and the different spirit that they possessed.  Trust in Him alone, have faith in Him and His Word, and you will see His promises manifest in your life!

In This Series
01-Tested God Ten Times - Part One

James tells us that we will encounter tests and trials, but how we respond to them is a choice we must make.  The children of Israel also faced a number of tests as they left Egypt and began their journey to their promised land.  Ten times they made choices that the Father described as rebellion or rejection of Him.   All because of their unbelief.

But we do not have to live that way.

We are to walk in TRUST and in FAITH!

Session One defines Trust, Faith and Unbelief using examples from both the Old and New Testaments.  We then examine God’s reaction after the 10th rejection of Him by the Hebrew children as He shows mercy in His judgment.  The session concludes looking at the first 2 incidents of the Ten Times they tested God seeing how unbelief limited the Father’s ability to have them walk fully in His blessing!

We choose Trust and Faith!


02-Tested God Ten Times - Part Two

James tells us that we will encounter tests and trials, but how we respond to them is a choice we must make.  Ten times the children of Israel made choices that the Father described as rebellion or rejection of Him.  All because of their unbelief.

But we do not have to live that way.

We are to walk in TRUST and in FAITH!

In Session Two, we continue to study four more cases of their walking in unbelief toward God.  We will examine their reaction and take note of how we too are tempted in the same manner.  In each case, we look to what we have been given to walk as overcomers in TRUST and FAITH.


03-Tested God Ten Times - Part Three

James tells us that we will encounter tests and trials, but how we respond to them is a choice we must make.  Ten times the children of Israel made choices that the Father described as rebellion or rejection of Him.  All because of their unbelief.

But we do not have to live that way.

We are to walk in TRUST and in FAITH!

In Session 3, we continue to study four more cases of their walking in unbelief toward God.  We will examine their reaction and take note of how we too are tempted in the same manner.  In each case, we look to what we have been given to walk as overcomers in TRUST and FAITH.


04-The Tenth Test and The Judgment

In the previous sessions, we have seen how 9 times the children of Israel tested God as they rebelled or rejected Him; those are His words.  In this session, we will examine the 10th and final test looking at their responses to having been given the land of Canaan.  Once again, they limited God and His plan for them.

We will also begin to examine the different spirit that the Lord says Caleb and Joshua exhibited.  They are excellent role models for us today!  See how they exalted His Word above the circumstances that both they and the other ten spies saw.

We too can live above the circumstances that present themselves to us as we learn to TRUST in and have FAITH in God and His Word.


05-The Characteristics of Faith and Trust

We have seen how the Hebrews tested God ten times with their unbelief and how it cost them – 40 years of wandering where those who doubted died before entering into their land.

In the first part of this session, we will learn how unbelief leads to a hardened heart and has further impacts as well.  We will then turn out attention to faith and trust as we identify characteristics of those who operate in faith and trust!

We can be exactly as Jesus commanded Thomas.

“Do not be unbelieving, but believing.”


06-His Covenant Pleasure

In the third chapter of the book of Exodus, the LORD God spoke to Moses and twice referred to the Israelites as “My people.”  He declared that He was taking responsibility for them and He did so because of His covenant with Abraham.  There was no other reason!

Today, 1 Peter 2: 9 in the NASB refers to us as believers as A PEOPLE FOR God’s OWN POSSESSION.”  Once again, He has declared His intent to care for His people, this time according to the Covenant sealed with the blood of Jesus.

Learn in this study that we are HIS PLEASURE and that we viewed through His Covenant with us.

What a great gift we have been given.

These two items form a strong foundation for us to believe in and trust the Lord.


07-In My Heart and My Mouth

In this 7th session we will be examining two key characteristics of faith:

  • His Covenant Words and Promises    
  • Speaking Faith-Filled Words

God’s Word is His covenant will for each believer.  In Isaiah 53 the prophet asks “Who has believed our report; To Whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?   Believing the word that one speaks requires us to value or esteem both the word spoken and the one who speaks it.  This should have an easy answer of yes as we know that Jesus and His Word are ONE!  We will learn that His Word serves as a foundation for our walk of faith.

As we esteem and value His Word and it is revealed in our hearts, then we are able to speak those words of faith.

His Words in our mouth, produce results just as those words do for Him.

This, saints, is a Kingdom principle.  We can control our tongue!  We too can speak His Word that is in our hearts, just as Caleb and Jesus did.


08-An Obedient DOER

Two houses, two men hearing the wise man’s instructions, and the same storm hitting both houses; yet very different results?  Why the difference?  One was a DOER of the words he heard while the other did not act on the instructions.

Does this parable apply to believers today who read or hear God’s Word yet receive very different results?  It sure does!  We will also learn about the Word of God’s instruction to us to also be not only obedient but willing as well.

Isaiah writes that those who do God’s commands, being both willing and obedient, will be blessed with the “good of the land.”  Learn with us how to walk as an obedient doer of His Word!


09-Fearless Faith

The Father speaks through Isaiah “Do not fear.”  Jesus tells His disciples “Let not your heart be troubled.”  Paul writes under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit “Be anxious for nothing.”

What is my response to these statements, or more accurately these commands of the Lord? 

Is it really possible to live without any fear?

We will address a few of these questions in this single session as we look at Jesus and how He lived His life.


10-Confident and Bold as We Remember

The Lord instructed the children of Israel to recount the deeds of the Lord both to themselves and their children.  He even gave them feasts to celebrate many of those miraculous deliverances, yet they forgot them.

As a result, they lost confidence and boldness to act on His Word and became fearful instead of being confident and bold to act!  We too must be confident and bold in our faith today if we are to truly rule and reign with Him in this earth.

Learn how to do just that as we study together in this session.  Never let us get to a point where our children and grandchildren do not all what a faithful, loving and powerful God we serve.


11-I TRUST, Even When...

We have all heard, “Trust God,” but to many, it simply means just do not concern yourself with faith and let what comes just be.   But that is not at all what trusting God is about!

Trust is being convinced of His faithfulness and committing yourself to His hand.  But you do so with confidence in Him and His Word!   Scripture also teaches us, “Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!”   Blessed means His goodness manifesting in my life, not just accepting whatever comes!

Learn with us as we explore how the Word describes our trusting in the Lord!


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