Home Series To Follow in His Footsteps

To Follow in His Footsteps

To Follow in His Footsteps

To Follow in His FootstepsIn the Gospel accounts, Jesus speaks these words over and over again, “FOLLOW ME.”  He first used this phrase to call those who would become His disciples.  But it is interesting to note that Jesus says a disciple is not just one who follows and watches, but one who is trained to be like His Master.

As the disciples were with Jesus, they saw how He ministered the Word, ministered healing to the sick, and even saw Him feed five thousand people.  But they also learned how He conducted himself and how He cooperated with His Father.  In so doing, the disciples learned where He put His attention and those areas, actions, and emotions He avoided.

In this series, we will examine such subjects as how He operated in the Father’s love, how He focused on being in His Father, His submission, obedience, humility, how He walked in HONOR, as well as a number of other attributes.  These are the same characteristics we should exhibit today as we are the Body of Christ on the earth today.  As we follow His example, we can be effective in our ministry as He was.

In This Series
01-I Am His Beloved - Part One

I believe that Jesus’s disciples left all and followed Him because of the love they saw him exhibit; it captivated them in the depths of their hearts.  They saw Him teach and minister to individuals and multitudes, wealthy and poor, the well and the sick.  But they also saw how He walked in His Father’s love for Him!

We too can learn as they did how Jesus walked in His Father’s love.  Learn in this session of the Father’s love for His Son.

Hear and see Jesus declare that same love for you!

As we gain this revelation we will be better positioned to walk in His footsteps in our covenant and with His authority!


02-I Am His Beloved

I believe that Jesus’s disciples left all and followed Him because of the love they saw Him exhibit; it captivated them in the depths of their hearts.  They saw Him teach and minister to individuals and multitudes, wealthy and poor, the well and the sick.  But they also saw how He walked in His Father’s love for Him!

We too can learn as they did how Jesus walked in His Father’s love (and loved Him as well.)   Learn in this session of the love that Jesus had for His Father.  See how we too are called to love the Father in the same manner.  Also how we are to love our neighbor as ourselves and our brothers and sisters in the Lord.

Learn how we can love people and our heavenly Father just as the Master did.

As we gain this revelation we will be better positioned to walk in His footsteps in our covenant and with His authority.


03-Jesus is My Identity

On what do you base your identity?  Your family, your work, your ethnicity, your nationality, or maybe a combination of these with your past experiences and circumstances create your view of yourself, your identity.

God’s Word is clear; as a believer in Jesus our identity is to be based on Him, and Him alone.   The Word tells us this.

“As He is, so are we in this world.”

This is not our identity when we arrive in heaven.  This is who we are today.

Our identity can change, and you will learn how to see yourself as the Father sees you.  You will learn that your identity is based on who you are IN JESUS CHRIST.


04-Grounded in Jesus, My Identity
On what do you base your identity?  Your family, your work, your ethnicity, your nationality, or maybe a combination of these with your past experiences and circumstances create your view of yourself, your identity.


God’s Word is clear; as a believer in Jesus our identity is to be based on Him, and Him alone.

In this session, we will see that the Word describes us as a “masterpiece,” just like our elder brother Jesus.  We will also see that when we are rooted and grounded in His love, we can know experientially the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge.  Our Father is glorified by us, His church, AND in Christ Jesus.



05-HONOR - Part One

As I arrived in Washington D.C. in 2018 and was traveling by the Capitol, I was struck with a sense of great darkness.  I inquired of the Lord and He spoke to me saying, “There is no HONOR there.”  I knew immediately He was speaking of the lack of honor, even to the point of hypocrisy as they address another as “my honorable friend,” both in that building and in the whole of D.C.

The Lord seemed to heighten to me the degree of importance that He places on HONOR!

We need to walk giving and receiving honor, just as Jesus did!

No less is required of us.

In this study, we will examine honor in detail and look at seven objects of honor in the eyes of the Lord.  And remember, we see in the Word that Honor has a Reward!


06-HONOR - Part Two

As I arrived in Washington, D.C. in 2018 and was traveling by the Capitol, I was struck with a sense of great darkness.  I inquired of the Lord and He spoke to me saying, “There is no HONOR there.”  I knew immediately He was speaking of the lack of honor, even to the point of hypocrisy as they address another as “my honorable friend,” both in that building and in the whole of D.C.

The Lord seemed to heighten to me the degree of importance that He places on HONOR!

We need to walk giving and receiving honor, just as Jesus did!

No less is required of us.

In this second session study, we will complete our look at the seven objects of honor in the eyes of the Lord.  We will also discuss the importance of not pursuing the honor of men.  And remember, we continue to see that Honor has a Reward!


07-Not My Will but Thine: Submission unto Obedience

These two words, Submission and Obedience, are not the most popular words in our society today.  In fact, they are not popular in many homes as well!  Yet we will see in God’s Word that BOTH are essential if we are to fulfill the call that Jesus has placed on our lives!

This is exactly how Jesus lived while on this earth as a man, submitted and obedient unto His Father.

“Not My will, but Thine!”

Learn with us in this session of WALKING IN HIS FOOTSTEPS how we too are instructed of the Lord to walk under His direction, as submitted and obedient sons and daughters.  See how His love empowers us to walk in His GRACE to fulfill our calling to RE-PRESENT Jesus to the world!


08-Living Free of Offence

Paul tells us that his goal is to live “without offense toward God and men.”  In the Passion Translation of Colossians 3: 12 Paul urges us to live “unoffendable in your patience with others.”  

His model was Jesus and He perfectly illustrated a life lived without ever taking an offence.  His example is also to be our target, our goal.

Many think that being offended just means I am upset or angry with someone.  But when we examine scripture it is clear that it represents something much worse; a separation from that which we must closely guard.

Learn with us how to live as Jesus did, a LIFE FREE FROM OFFENCE!


09-Repentance and Forgiveness

What can we learn from the life of Jesus concerning repentance and forgiveness?   He never sinned nor had to repent but we can learn how to walk in the righteousness of God just as He did on the earth.  With forgiveness, we have many great examples of how He forgave and instructed us to forgive as well.

Jesus came to the earth telling us to repent, for the Kingdom is at hand.  He also told 5 of the 7 churches in The Revelation that they needed to repent.  What a GREAT AND MAGNIFICENT gift we have been given in repentance.

Jesus demonstrated the Kingdom as He forgave.  And as He forgave, people were set free from their sins and from the impact that sin has on our lives.  We too are told to forgive and that is key to our assignment of reconciliation.

Learn with us about such great grace we have been given in both repentance and forgiveness.


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