Home Series The Testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy

The Testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy

The Testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy

Verse 10 in Revelation 19 closes with this phrase, “The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.”  When we declare what Jesus has done for us, we open the door for not only what He can do again on our behalf, but what is available for others.  When others hear your testimony of the goodness of Jesus, they began to expect that the same is available for them.  It is, as Jesus is no respecter of persons.

This same verse tells us that today we are those who hold the testimony of Jesus.  The testimony that you carry reminds you and will enlighten others to His goodness and desire for victorious living.  It is no wonder that the enemy of man works so hard to still our voice, to limit the words we speak concerning what God has done.

There is a battle in the spirit realm for your words.  Words are much more important in this realm than we have realized.  Scripture teaches us that it is through the words that we are accused, and it is through our words, our testimony that we are delivered.

In this study, we will explore the origin of the word testimony, seeing what it meant to the children of Israel and how that is a type of what we carry today.  We will look at Jesus and His words concerning testimony and Who and what testified of Him.

Jesus was the living testimony of God.

We will see how the testimony relates to our covenant and many other revelations that will excite us to share the testimony God has provided to us.

The Word teaches us speaking of the Lord that “Thy testimonies have become my inheritance.”  It is time to declare what He has done as we carry the seed of our, and of others next miracle in our mouth!

In This Series
01-The Battle for My Words
Ever had times when you wanted to share what God has done for you with friends, family or others who you knew needed to hear it, only to see the circumstances get in the way?

Revelation 19:10 in the concluding portion of the verse says, “the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.”  Simply stated, this conveys that when we declare what Jesus has done, He is ready to do once again!!  That is because the enemy of our soul does not was those words declared by you nor anyone else.


02-Carrying the Testimony - Part One

We have seen the word testimony in three verses which say

  • The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.
  • They overcame by the word of their testimony.
  • You and your brethren hold the testimony of Jesus.

You may be asking what is this testimony that we keep referring to?

In this session, we will delve into this word testimony and began to see what it meant to the children of Israel and what it symbolizes for us today!!  You will praise God as we see that it is not something I have to provide, my God will provide it for me, just as He did with the Hebrew nation.


03-Carrying the Testimony - Part Two

We have seen the word testimony in three verses which say

  • The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy
  • They overcame by the word of their
  • You and your brethren hold the testimony of Jesus.

You may be asking what does this phrase “of Jesus” mean and how does it relate to me? Excellent question.

Part 2 of Carrying the Testimony will look at Moses and David to see how they valued the Testimony. Then we will study the Master, Jesus and see how the ark of the testimony and the testimony it carried depicted the man Jesus. We can walk as He did.


04-I Hold the Testimony
In the Old Covenant, the priests and the Levites carried the Ark of the Testimony in a prescribed manner using poles and never touching the Ark.  Paul instructs us that today we are the temple of God.  And in my temple, the angel tells John that we, believers in the Lord Jesus, today HOLD the testimony of Jesus.

  • How can I hold the testimony of Jesus?
  • Where do I carry it?
  • What does this really mean to me?

Learn how we too are to be a living testimony just like Jesus. Learn how your next miracle is contained in your testimony of Jesus. See that you carry the very presence and glory of God!



The Lord told Moses to instruct the children of Israel they were to diligently keep (guard and protect) His commandments, His testimonies and His statutes.

Why was REMEMBERING these so important to the Lord?

Because He knew it was by REMEMBERING His acts and Words and statutes that they would KNOW and have TRUST in Him.  Both they and their children.

See how Israel limited the Lord and His desires to bless them as they neglected His instructions and lost sight of His goodness.


06-I Have a Testimony

How do you respond when something negative occurs? Is it with an “Oh no, no again!” or maybe “What am I going to do now?” Or do you face the issue with the thought “Another chance for my God to show Himself strong for me!”

It is in these times that we must see ourselves as the Word describes us.

 “A holder of the testimony of Jesus.”

Remembering your testimonies of what He has done for you, keeping them alive in remembering His works, will set the course for your overcoming this next challenge. You have a testimony!


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