Home Series The Rest of Faith

The Rest of Faith

The Rest of Faith

The Rest of FaithIn the 3rd chapter of Hebrews, we see that “they were not able to enter because of unbelief.”  What was this a reference to?  The promised land; or His Rest?

If the latter, then what is His Rest?  What does scripture teach us about God’s resting?

In this brief series, we will examine the postures we take in this walk of faith (sitting, fighting and standing), but we will also see the importance of laboring to enter His Rest!

In This Series
01-Fighting, Standing or Sitting

Have you ever found you are resisting the devil by fighting the good fight of faith, or by standing firm, or even by just sitting at the Right Hand of the Father in Jesus?  And yet, the manifestation seems delayed?

Certainly, you are not alone.

Study God’s Word with us today as we begin the series, THE REST OF FAITH.  We will begin to examine this place of REST that can be ours as we endeavor to resist the enemy and receive all that God has for us.



02-An Invitation to His Rest

When you have been fighting the good fight of faith or standing firm, and you begin to become physically and mentally tired, where do you turn?

Many things are vying for your attention, and they are not necessarily bad.  But what is the place that we should turn our attention to?

Jesus has an invitation for us.  COME TO ME He says!  And adds, I will give you REST!    Learn with us today how this is the answer that we need!


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