Home Series The Force of Righteousness

The Force of Righteousness

The Force of Righteousness

The Force of RighteousnessDo you see yourself as Righteous?  Or maybe you are asking what it means to be Righteous.

Traditional thinking about Righteousness can hold us in bondage.  Knowing the truth about righteousness positions us to receive all God has promised us in His Word.

Without an understanding that we have been made righteous, we open the door for the devil to condemn us at every turn.  Living like this allows circumstances to reign over us instead of us reigning over the circumstances!

It’s time to learn the truth about RIGHTEOUSNESS.

In This Series
01-Esteeming Righteousness

How we value, or esteem being made Righteous in Christ Jesus can set our life on a course of victory or position us to let all life’s circumstances reign over us!

Too many people spend their life working so hard to “make themselves acceptable” to God.  All the while, not understanding that Jesus has already completed that work.

Learn with us as we establish a foundation for us to live knowing we who have believed in Jesus have been made righteous in Him and can reign and rule in this life over all of life’s circumstances!


02-Established in Righteousness

Isaiah instructs us that we are to be “established in righteousness.”

He continues by saying that when we are, we will be free from oppression and fear!

Are all believers living that way today?

Learn with us in this session how we can be established in His Righteousness.


03-Through the Righteousness of Jesus

Scripture tells us that “apart from the Law, the Righteousness of God has been manifested.”

How did this occur?  In Him who was sent to earth for us!

But there is more good news.  Study with us as we see how prophetic words concerning Jesus bring us both PEACE and our union with Holy Spirit!


04-Righteousness as a Breastplate

This session discusses the Breastplate of Righteousness, which protects our heart and our identity with Jesus.

Yet it also serves as an offensive weapon!

See how Jesus used RIGHTEOUSNESS, the BREASTPLATE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS to sustain and propel Him forward in His walk as a man!


05-In Righteousness, In Power

In the armor of God, there is STRENGTH provided to the believer.

Our RIGHTEOUSNESS plays a key role in the provision and demonstration of this power.

See in detail what the Lord is instructing us in the four verses leading up to the identification of the armor of God!


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