Home Series Seeing Jesus in My Promises of Healing

Seeing Jesus in My Promises of Healing

Seeing Jesus in My Promises of Healing
1 Peter 2: 24 declares concerning Jesus, “…who Himself bore in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness—by whose stripes you were healed.”

Do you see this as a promise for you today?  Do you see our Lord Jesus in this promise as a guarantor?  We should.  For all the promises of God find their Yes in Him.  

Glory be to God!!

High Point Church, Healing School, Macon, GA

In This Series
01-My Covenant Promises of Healing

In giving instructions for the Celebration of Communion, Paul notes that we are:

  • To REMEMBER His body and blood as we partake
  • To esteem highly the body and the blood of the Lord.

Today we will see the healing promises of Jesus come alive as we:

  • See Jesus in the Passover Meal
  • See Jesus in the Bitter Waters Made Sweet and
  • See Jesus in the Plague Stayed by the High Priest.

It is time to receive His covenant promises of Healing.


02-Celebrating Freedom in Promises of Healing

In giving instructions for the Celebration of Communion, Paul notes that we are:

  • To REMEMBER His body and blood as we partake
  • To esteem highly the body and the blood of the Lord.

Today we will see the healing promises of Jesus come alive as we:

  • See Jesus in the brazen snake raised high
  • See Jesus in the Cleansing Ceremony of the Leper and
  • See Jesus in the Year of the Jubilee.

It is time to receive His promises of Healing.


One Comment

  1. WOW! Do I believe Jesus? Serious question on which to really meditate. I’ve heard many times, “You must believe God, which is so much more than believing in God.” This somehow takes that to a new, much more personal intimate level. Do I believe Jesus? I’m not sure I heard much else in this teaching except your revelation about the pattern on the matzos bread. Also, so very powerful and personal. The healing communion.

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