Home Series Provision with Purpose

Provision with Purpose

Provision with Purpose

God’s first act toward man after his creation was to pronounce a blessing over him.  Numerous scriptures attest to His desire to bless man in every area of life.  Yet for many, the Father’s desire to bless His people is totally foreign.  For others, it is totally rejected from prior teaching or traditions.  And for some, it becomes the focal point for their entire relationship with God.  What is the correct perspective?

In this series, we will learn what God desires for His people with respect to financial provision and why He desires for them to receive The Blessing.

Scripture tells us that God says, “He takes pleasure in the prosperity of His people.”  He also says it is His intent that others see the impact of His blessing on His people so “That all the ends of the earth may fear Him.”  This study will validate these intents and build our faith to receive His goodness as we study His Word together.

We will also study items such as

  • Man’s relationship to money
  • Sowing and Reaping
  • Diligence
  • Covetousness
  • Being good stewards
  • Being faithful with little
  • Instruction to the rich
  • Receiving from God
  • The impact of debt
These are but a few of the items we will address during these seven sessions.

His Words – “Beloved I pray above all things that you prosper and be in good health, as your soul prospers.”  Let us grow together in this area of His grace toward us.

High Point Church, Wednesday Evening, Macon, GA

In This Series
01-That My Ways May Be Known

Why would it matter to God if I have my needs met and maybe even a little extra?  What is He going to do, just float money from heaven to me?  What purpose could there possibly be for this “blessing?”  All are valid questions.

This first session will first build a scriptural foundation so that we, God’s people, understand His desire in this area of financial provision.  We will also begin to explore His Purpose for wanting us to live a blessed life as we see His heart for the nations and the world.

Open your heart and mind to receive His instruction with us to know His ways in this grace toward us.


02-It's Not Just About Me

I’ve seen many of the verses that He wants me to be blessed and He wants my light to shine in this dark world so that others see His light in me.  There must be other reasons He wants me to prosper.

In this session, we will see that His desire for me living the blessed life is not all about me having money and things. He wants me blessed so I can bless others; so I can do His work and learn how He desires us to draw close to Him through our giving of our resources.

We are blessed to be a blessing.


03-I Serve Jesus Only

We ended last week learning the Lord provides us an offering so we may draw near to Him as we give.  His desire is that we pursue Him first and nothing else is a close second.  We don’t pursue money nor things, only Jesus.

He promised us that when we seek FIRST the Kingdom, then all the things that men eagerly seek will be provided to us.  Scripture affirms with multiple witnesses that those who seek Him will prosper.  He will lead us to our wealthy place as we pursue Him.

God, our God, blesses us that all the end of the earth may fear Him.


04-A Faithful Steward

I’ve seen that God wants me to prosper in all areas including my finances.  I want to serve Him first and foremost.  What is my next step?

The Word tells us that if we operate in His Wisdom riches and honor will come to us. He also tells us that we must be a faithful steward of all that is placed in our hands.

In this session, we will study what it means to be a faithful steward. We will see how our faithfulness positions us to walk in an abundance of His blessings!


05-The Good Steward

We all want to hear, “Well done my good and faithful servant.”  What are the characteristics of a good steward?

The Bible instructs us that we must be obedient, diligent and led of the Lord in being a good steward.  We will also see what the enemy uses to try and hinder us in this walk.  We’ll examine such things as covetousness, slothfulness and debt.

We can be successful just as many in the Word have in being a good steward!


06-Seedtime and Harvest
Everyone can get excited about times of harvest, reaping from what we have sown, receiving The Blessing of the Lord. But how do you view seedtime or sowing, giving?

If we saw it as our Father does, we would be rejoicing just as much in giving as we do when we receive. The Bible teaches us that giving is also a part of God’s grace to us. In giving, we aren’t just sowing financial seeds, we are worshiping our Jehovah Jireh whom we trust to always provide seeds for sowing and bread for eating.


07-Receiving My Provision

We’ve sown our seeds, what’s next?  Is there something special that I need to do in order to receive my harvest of provision?

Why would we look to do anything different for receiving our provision than we would for healing or salvation?  Ephesians 2:8 tells us that everything we receive from God comes by or we might say from His grace. But it also says that grace comes through faith, or we might say by believing we have received His promises.

The Kingdom process to receive is to believe with your heart and speak with your mouth.  This is how we water our seed and as we wait patiently for our harvest.

We are the Blessed of the Lord.


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